Wednesday 14 July 2021

Yalan makinesi

Thursday 14 January 2021

Arduino Projeler (LCD 16X2, DH11) Dijital Termometre Nem Ölçer Yapımı 003

DHT22 veya DHT11 sıcaklık ve nem sensörü serisinin iki versiyonu var. Biraz benziyorlar ve aynı pinouta sahipler ama farklı özelliklere sahipler.

DHT22, açıkça daha iyi özelliklere sahip olan daha pahalı versiyondur. Sıcaklık ölçüm aralığı -40 ° C ile + 125 ° C arasında + -0.5 derece hassasiyetle, DHT11 sıcaklık aralığı +2 derece hassasiyetle 0 ° C ile 50 ° C arasındadır. Ayrıca DHT22 sensörü daha iyi nem ölçüm aralığına sahiptir, % 0 – 100 arasında% 2-5 doğrulukla, DHT11 nem aralığı ise% 5 ile% 20 doğrulukla ölçüm yapmaktadır.


Arduino DHT22 ve 16×2 Karakterli LCD Bağlantısı

Aşağıdaki çizim, 16 × 2 karakter LCD’deki sıcaklık ve bağıl nem değerlerini yazdıracaktır. Değerleri LCD’de görüntülememiz dışında aynı kodu kullanacağız


Arduino Projesi Olarak 16×2 LCD’li DHT11 ve DHT22

Sıcaklık ve nem seviyelerini izlemek istediğiniz bir fikriniz m var? Tam olarak doğru projeyi okuyorsunuz. Bu örnekte, LCD’yi DHT11, DHT22 sensörüyle birlikte Arduino’ya bağlayacağız.


indirme kod


Thursday 7 January 2021

DHT11 sıcaklık ve nem sensörlü TM1637 Termometre Yapımı

Thermometer example: TM1637 4-digit 7-segment

 display with DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor

 4-Digit 7-segment displays are great for displaying sensor readings like temperature, humidity, voltage or speed. In the following example, I will show you how you can display temperature readings on the TM1637 display.

We will be using the popular DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor.

The wiring diagram below shows you how you can connect the DHT11 sensor in combination with the TM1637 display to the Arduino.

Note that the TM1637 display is connected in the same way as before.

Monday 4 January 2021

Arduino 4-Digit & RTC module Clock

4-Digit Clock based on a RTC module

I have got a DS1302 Real Time Clock Module with Battery Backup, and I was eager

 to making a digital clock. As I also had a 7-segment 4-digit display, I was looking for the best way to make that clock. But I was always reluctant to use this type of display, because of the amount of wires it requires.

Then, "digital tube" 4-wire 4-digit display came across, and I knew that was the solution I was searching for. Now I had all the pieces of my little system.

Sunday 15 March 2020

Arduino battery capacity tester

My first Arduino project was to build a battery capacity tester. I’ve got a box of rechargeable AA batteries, and it seams they’ve been less and less effective. Since most applications require 4 batteries, invariably one problem battery makes the rest of them look bad.

The Atmel ATMega328 microcontroller has 6 analog inputs with 10-bit A-to-D converters and a external AREF that allows you to define what voltage 0x3FF represents. In other words, it’ll give you ~1.4mV precision measuring 0-1.5V when given a 1.5V analog reference. Plenty accurate for a battery capacity measurement.

The principle is fairly simple. Apply a known load to a battery, record the voltage periodically while the battery discharges, stop recording at some point, and integrate to arrive at the area under the curve in order to derive the amp-hours delivered from the battery.

Enough theory, let’s see how it works. The UI starts with a helpful message:

Insert Battery

Saturday 14 March 2020

Buck Boost Regulator using XL6009

Buck Boost Regulator using XL6009 with Adjustable 3.3V to 12V Output Voltage

Buck-Boost regulator is made using two different topologies, as the name suggests, it consists of both buck and boost topology. We already know that Buck Regulator Topology provides a lower magnitude of output voltage than the input voltage, while a Boost Regulator Topology provides a higher magnitude of output voltage than the provided input voltage. We have already built a 12V to 5V Buck Converter and a 3.7V to 5V Boost converter Circuit using the popular MC34063. But at times, we might need a circuit that can both work as a buck and a boost regulator.

Arduino Tabanlı Kalp Atışı Modülü

Kalp atış hızı , vücut ısısı ve kan basıncı izleme, insan vücudunun çok önemli parametreleridir. Doktorlar ateş veya vücut sıcaklığını kontrol etmek için termometre, kan basıncı ölçümü için BP monitörü ve kalp atış hızı ölçümü için nabız monitörü gibi çeşitli tıbbi cihazlar kullanır. Bu projede, bir dakika içinde kalp atışı sayısını sayan Arduino tabanlı bir kalp atışı monitörü inşa ettik . Burada , sensöre parmağınızı koyduğunuzda kalp atışını algılayan bir kalp atışı sensörü modülü kullandık.

Arduino and LCD- 0 Volt -- 1000 Volt

The Arduino inbuilt 10 bit ADC, can be used for constructing / measuring the 0 Volt to 1000 Volt user selectable Digital Volt Meter. The 16x2 LCD display driver, connected with Arduino Uno will be used for displaying the measured voltage. This voltmeter can read only DC voltage.


M.Pugazhendi build a digital voltmeter using Arduino and MAX7219 display driver.

The Arduino inbuilt 10 bit ADC, can be used for constructing / measuring the 0Volt to 50Volt Digital Volt Meter. Popular MAX7219 display driver, connected with Arduino Uno will be used for displaying the measured voltage. This voltmeter can read only DC voltage.

Friday 13 March 2020

4 digit, 7 segment Display

I found a website that solves all the wiring and coding issues; A library, written by Dean Reading.
I downloaded the zip file, copied it to /usr/share/arduino/libraries/ and unzipped it (includes the .cpp, the .h and an example sketch). (The directory is correct for my Linux Mint 16 system).

Given this library, the example code is simplicity itself.
I used the wiring listed on the webpage, which when interpreted gives us :

A 4 digit 7 segment LED display.

Ultrasonic distance sensor

This was a great buy, easy to wire up and surprisingly accurate, when I measured up to 3 metres.
I found another blogger who had created the code.
The ultrasonic distance sensor and pin layout.


Hello world! Today i made a simple and very cheap to build alarm System with a keypad, pir sensor, relay and a very loud alarm strobe. You have 30 seconds time to leave the room after activating the alarm system, of course this can be changed in the code to less or more seconds. Now it has been set to 30000 milliseconds.
You can change it at this line in the code:
const int timeDelay = 30000; //give yourself time to leave the room

Follow the next step for the Schematic, Code & Parts list.

Wednesday 11 March 2020

MP3 Player Yapımı

I got thoroughly fed up with cheap MP3 players 2 years ago, and built my own. It works so well for me. Project completed; December 2014. Updated January 2016

This project was great; there are a number of issues that you will also face, if you choose to investigate this more.

220 volt şebeke dijital voltmetre yapımı

İşaret, R2 ve R3 dirençlerini bir 4.7k düzeltici ve bir Zener diyot VD1'in olmamasıyla devreden farklıdır.

Şebeke voltmetresinin modifiye edilmiş bir devresi de gönderildi, voltmetrenin voltajını stabilize etmek için daha iyi bir devre ile ayırt edildi.

PIC16F676 mikrodenetleyici kullanarak voltmetre yapımı

PIC16F676 mikrodenetleyicisindeki bir voltmetreye ayrılmış bir makale uzun süre sitede yayınlanmıştır . Zamanla, bazı ziyaretçiler voltmetrede değişiklik yaptı ve bu değişiklikleri paylaşmaya karar verdi. Bunun için minnettarlar.

Makale, PIC16F676 üzerinde yapılan 50 voltluk bir ölçüm limiti olan bir voltmetreyi veya bu mikrodenetleyicinin ADC'sinin nasıl kullanılacağını açıklar.

Tuesday 10 March 2020

Bootload the Arduino Mini

What is a bootloader, and what is bootloading?

The bootloader is the little program that runs when you turn the Arduino on, or press the reset button. Its main function is to wait for the Arduino software on your computer to send it a new program for the Arduino, which it then writes to the memory on the Arduino. This is important, because normally you need a special device to program the Arduino. The bootloader is what enables you to program the Arduino using just the USB cable.

When we refer to "bootloading" the Arduino, we are talking about using a special device (called an In-System Programmer or ISP) to replace the bootloader software.

Arduino Single-Sided Serial Board

If you don't have an easy way to order an Arduino board or kit, you can etch this PCB design by hand and solder it together. It is pin-compatible with the Arduino Diecimila, and should work with any Arduino shield.

This is the third revision of the board: the Arduino Single-Sided Serial version 3, or s3v3, or Arduino Severino. It was designed by Adilson Akashi, based on the previous version.