Tuesday 12 February 2019

Solid State Tesla Coil

SSTC II. arose from the previous SSTC. Primary now has 10turns of 1mm diameter wire
wound on diameter 16cm. I replaced MOSFETs for a stronger types STP25NM50N. Power consumption increased to 300W. SSTC is powered through a large isolation transformer
1:1, but it is not necessary.
     The streamers are 14cm, discharges into grounded objects 16cm. This SSTC I also
 tested with an ion engine.

     WARNING !!! Tesla coil is extremely dangerous device! Without knowledge
 of the principles of working with high voltage, you should not construct it.
Tesla coil is causing a broadband radio frequency interference. Electromagnetic
 radiation can damage electronic devices or storage media. During the operation it
 produces ozone (O3) and other toxic gases, must be ventilated! Everything
you do at your own risk! For any injury I do not take any responsibility.

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