If it doesn't work check that you have all the locations correct and that you have the LED and the diode in the correct polarity, and that the flat on the transistor is as the drawing shows.- Check the continuity of the tracks with an ohm-meter or an electronic circuit tester
- Turn the PCBoard over so that you are looking at the plain side. From the drawing, find the locations of the components. You will need to turn the PCB around so that it coincides with the placement sheet. Remember that you are seeing the copper track through the PCB.
- Identify the values of the two resistors by their colour bands and/or an ohm-meter - see Resistors. Bend the legs of the resistors to fit their respective locations. Push them through and firm the resistor down against the PCB and solder in place - see Soldering Technique.
- The diode is polarised and must be inserted in the correct orientation - see Diodes. Solder in place.
- Offer the transistor into its position with the flat on the body the way round that the drawing indicates. Bend the legs to fit into the holes and solder.
- The LED is polarised - a semiconductor - and will not work if placed the wrong way round. Push the legs just through the PCB so the LED stands high off the board. You should check that the small flat on the flange at the base of the globe is the same way round as the drawing shows. Solder in place.
- Depending on wheather you are using a switch or not, refer to the correct PCB placement diagram and identify the locations for the PCB Pins. Insert and solder in place.
- The battery snap connection points also vary between the two models, solder the battery snap to it's PCB pins.
- If a switch is included this can now be soldered to it's PCB pins (a small amount of hookup wire can be used if the switch is to be mounted away from the PCB - ensure enough hookup wire is left for the next step).
- Cut the hookup wire into two equal lengths and bare the ends of the hook-up wire. Bare and tin the ends of the wires - see Tinning wire. Solder one end of the wires to the PCB pins for the probes. Soilder the other ends of the wires to the teardrop terminals ready to attach to your probes.
- Connect a 9 volt battery and test. When you bring the two probe wires together the LED will glow brightly. Wet your finger and move the probe wires apart on the wet area. The LED will dim off, and its brightness will reflect the wetness (or dryness) of your finger.
The power diode IN4002 as well is also a semiconductor. As with the LED the power diode only allows current to flow in one direction. This component ensures the circuit id not damaged by accidently connecting the battery the wrong way around.
The transistor BC548 has three legs C (collector) B (base) E (emitter). The middle one is the Base leg. This is an NPN transistor; the E leg connects to the Negative battery pole. In this circuit it acts as a variable switch. The more current leakage between the two probes (the wetter the soil), the more it switches on, and the LED glows brighter - see transistors. The 100K resistor works in conjunction with the transistor by biasing it to the off state, this ensures the LED is only illuminated by the current leakage between the probes.
If it doesn't light up in your potplant, then get the watering can fast!
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