Friday, 6 March 2020

Power Supply 0-28V 20A (LM317, 2N3055)

S2 switches between +- 3 Amps and full output current The relay is used to switch off the power supply voltage when the mains (S1) are/is switched off. So no delay do to the discharge of C2, and so preventing output voltages from not return to zero immediately. A MB2504 is used as it is a 25 ampere rectifier bridge which also should be cooled. Or you could use eight BYW29 8 amp diodes (TO220 pinning) mounted on a heat sink. Mount a little heatsink on the LM317 IC Remember to isolate the 2N3055 transistors from the chassis/radiator! Use a radiator (heat sink) of appropriate size and surface area; insulating and heat-conducting spacer or at least a thin mica; hot adhesive and thermal paste. * 2 x 15 volt 20+- amps * D1...D4= Bridge rectifier MB2504 (25 amps cooled) or eight BYW29 8 amp diodes (TO220 pinning cooled) or 8 x MR750 (MR7510) diodes (MR750 = 6 Ampere diode) or 16 x 1N5401 (1N5408) diodes. * F1 = 2 Amp * F2 = 25 amp * R1 2k2 2,5 Watt * R2 240 ohm * R3,R4,R5,R6 0.1 ohm 10 watt * R7 6k8 * R8 10k * R9 47 Ohm 1 watt * S2 mini switch * R10 8k2 * C1,C7,C9 47nF * C2 four times 4700uF/50v or one 22000uF/50v * C3,C5 10uF/50v * C4,C6,C9 100nF * C8 330uF/50v * C10 1uF/16v * D5 1N4151 * D6 1N5401 * D10 MR750 * D11 LED * D7, D8, D9 1N4001 * IC1 LM317 * Two 2N3055 transistors * P1 5k * P3 10k trimmer * relay = 30 volts AC, 2x10 amp switching

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