Thursday, 14 February 2019


This is an amazing LED flasher that run by only 1.5v AA battery.
 The circuit based on joule thief method. main circuit was designed by
handmade choke coil but i change that to this new circuit that don't need to coil
making because that was very difficult. you can use an electric zapper choke coil.
the flashing speed can change by potentiometer. A new 1.5v alkaline battery can
 run this circuit for more than 30 hours(by lowest flashing speed).
I test this circuit by 25 LEDs but you can add more. Zapper choke coil usually
 have 6pin and 3 internal coil. in first you should determine that by an ohmmeter,
 then put that in the circuit. the temperature of transistor raise in high speed flashing,
so need to a heatsink. Parts list: Transistor 2N2222 Resistor 100 ohm
Potentiometer 1k Capacitor 100uF 35v Chock coil of old camera or electric
 zapper or mobile charger Battery 1.5v AAA or AA LED Diode 1N4007 Diac DB3

1.5v Flasher with 25 LEDs

1.5v Flasher with 25 LEDs

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